Pizza Dough Base

After purchasing a prepackaged pizza from the supermarket and concluding that it didn’t taste that great, I took it upon myself to learn how to make my own pizza dough.


  • 3 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • teaspoon or so of sugar
  • 7g or 1 teaspoon yeast
  • salt and pepper


  1. Add the sugar and yeast to the hot water and mix well. Leave for approx 10 mins until frothy. The sugar helps with the yeast activation process
  2. Add salt and pepper to flour and mix well.
  3. Add the hot water mix to the flour and mix well until you form a dough
  4. Add the olive oil and mix through
  5. Continue to knead until you form a nice dough (up to 10 mins)
  6. Cover the container that has the dough with cling wrap and let stand for about 30 - 60 mins. The dough should double in size. Use a double pot (with hot water) to ensure that the pot containing the dough remains warm allowing the yeast to react properly.
  7. Use additional flour on the bench and knead the dough again. Use rolling pin to help flatten the dough
  8. Add pizza sauce and toppings. Cook at 200 degrees for approximately 12 - 15 mins for soft or crispy base.


  • The photo used was my first attempt at making pizza dough, and I didn’t have a rolling pin which is why the base looks a bit thick.
  • The dough expands during cooking. So even though it looks extremely thin uncooked, the finished product can be quite thick
  • I don’t know what will happen if you skip the yeast or use a smaller / larger amount of ingredients