Updated on 20 Sep 2023

I am going to use the stomp-php library from packagist.

  • I am referencing the SSL certificate and ca-certificate files that we created earlier on lines 14, 15.
  • I am using a slightly different technique for connection so that I can pass in the certificate files
  • this example also uses a different approach by having the user/pass in the rabbitmq.conf file, so I don’t need to specify it in the code.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Stomp\Client;
use Stomp\SimpleStomp;
use Stomp\Network\Connection;
use Stomp\Transport\Message;

$opts = [
    'ssl' => [
        //'local_cert' => '/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server_server4_certificate.pem',
        'cafile' => '/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/ca_certificate.pem',
        'local_pk' => '/etc/rabbitmq/ssl/server_server4_key.pem',
        'verify_peer' => false,
        'verify_peer_name' => false,
        'allow_self_signed' => true
// make a connection
//--61613 - normal
//--61614 - encrypted
//$client = new Client('tcp://localhost:61613');

//--can use either tls or ssl
$connection = new Connection('tls://localhost:61614', 1, $opts);
$client = new Client($connection);

I can have this set in the /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf file.

stomp.default_user = demo_user
stomp.default_pass = demo_pass

and I wont have to call setLogin(...)
//$client->setLogin('demo_user', 'demo_pass');
$stomp = new SimpleStomp($client);

// send a message to the queue
$body = 'test message from php';
$stomp->send('/queue/q1', new Message('test message from php - ssl' . "\n"));


Sending the message

This is how I sent the message using the command line.

php send.php


I can use rabbitmqadmin to check the message

rabbitmqadmin list vhosts

And to see the message, I can use the following command.

rabbitmqadmin get queue=q1 --vhost=demo_host -u guest -p guest

I am using guest username because I have assigned the appropriate privileges to that account.