Conditional Statements

Updated on 28 Dec 2022

These are branching mechanisms whereby you choose to do something if a certain condition is met.


At it’s most basic, the if conditional can be used to determine if a block of code should be executed. Consider a case where we want to see if the temperature is higher than 35.

temperature_high = 35
temperature = 37

if temperature > temperature_high:
    print('It is really hot today')

Info: You can inverse a conditional with the not qualifier immediately after if


We can also group multiple conditions together. In this case we want a temperature between 25 and 35 for a ‘comfortable range’.

temperature_low  = 25
temperature_high = 35
temperature = 28

if temperature > temperature_low and temperature < temperature_high:
    print('At {0}, it is comfortable today'.format(str(temperature))) 


So far we’ve seen examples where the condition is met. The else keyword is used where the condition is not met.

temperature_high = 35
temperature = 28

if temperature > temperature_high:
    print('You will probably melt today')
    print('You will NOT be melting today')


We can use elif keyword where we need a larger type of response range.

temperature = 28

if temperature > 35:
    print('You will probably melt today')
elif temperature > 20 and temperature <= 35:
    print('You should hold your form today')
    print('You might feel cold today')